




General 基本事项

The rewards and difficulty levels for the Missions of the Day have changed according to the completion difficulty level and completion time.


The rewards for the Missions of the Day (1:1) have changed.


Win (30 Victory Tokens → 40) 获胜:30个[胜利的证明]→40个

Fight (30 Victory Tokens → 40) 战斗:30个[胜利的证明]→40个(?)

Use advanced skills (30 Victory Tokens → 40) 使用无色技能:30个[胜利的证明]→40个

Drain 70% enemy HP (30 Victory Tokens → 40) 打掉敌人70%HP:30个[胜利的证明]→40个

Winning streak (90 Victory Tokens → 100) 残血获胜:90个[胜利的证明]→100个

Killing Spree (90 Victory Tokens → 100) 双杀:90个[胜利的证明]→100个

All My Winning Poses! (90 Victory Tokens → 100) 缺翻译

Necromancer"s Dark Ritual cannot increase skill Atk., and its INT bonus has been rebalanced.


Arena Season 2 Changes 决斗场第二赛季变更事项

The Normal Arena has been renamed to the Rank Arena. 普通决斗场名称变更为无双决斗场。

The Captain mode has been deleted from the Rank Arena. 无双决斗场中删除擂台赛模式。

The Captain mode will return when we come up with a more suitable Matching System for it. 擂台赛模式在匹配系统改善之后会以更适合的形态与玩家见面。

Arena EXP/Gold Reward System Added 决斗场经验值/新增金币获得系统

In the Arena, you can now obtain EXP and Gold at the cost of Fatigue.


- You can decide to consume Fatigue on the left side of the Fatigue window.


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