

In short order, the inquisition was disbanded. Some were relived to see the unpredictable organization dismantled.Others preferred to remember the inquisition"s good works and the many lives it had saved.Those who had served returned to their former lives,knowing they had stopped a great evil from destroying the world and hoping that the peace for which they had fought remained,once the inquisition was gone.


With the dragon"s breath disrupted and any hope of a swift victory dashed,the qunari retreated back to the north.Few knew what debates were waged in par vollen,but not long after the exalted council,the qunari lauched new attacks against tevinter.Their aggression caught the already unstable imperium off guard.Tevinter was soon mired in a war many feared could spread across thedas.

龙息计划被打乱之后,以及任何快速取得胜利的可能都不存在的情况下,qunari撤回了北方。很少有人知道在par vollen有过怎样的激辩,但是在高贵一会之后不久,qunari对tevinter发起了新的进攻。他们的攻势让帝国猝不及防,tevinter迅速陷入了战争的泥沼,而很多人惧怕这场战争可能会散播到thedas全境。

The exalted council remained intact,advising divine victoria on important matters.Cassandra served for several years.While she oftend disagreed with Leliana"s policies,the former right and left hands of the divine shared a mutual respect and worked well together.Cassandra also spent time in the hunterhorn mountains north or Orlais,where she worked to rebuild the seekers.For a time,the new seekers remained reclusive,showing no interest in worldly affars and working to purpose few outside their order could guess.


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